Contact Us

  • The Grand Bouquet Florist, Inc.
  • 800-686-4891
  • 1139 E. Grand Ave.
    Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

About us

Grand Bouquet Flower Shop

The Grand Bouquet and The Arroyo Grande Village Flower shop are proud to be celebrating our 30th Anniversary. We are the only full service florist from Santa Maria to San Luis Obispo with 2 locations in Arroyo Grande.
We are family owned and operated and are committed to offering only the freshest flowers backed by friendly and professional service. 90% of our flowers are grown in San Luis Obispo or Santa Barbara counties.

Christmas Cheer Basket Garden


Christmas Cheer Basket Garden

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This delightful basket garden is the perfect holiday gift for your plant loving friends and family members! A mixture of indoor plants with varying colors and textures arranged skillfully in a woven basket, ceramic container, or wooden box with the added touch of a carefully crafted holiday bow will be sure to bring cheer to the recipient. This will be a long-lasting gift that will prove to be a beautiful addition to any home!